School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277


Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun


Charing School is a Church of England School is part of The Diocese Multi-Academy Trust, Aquila.

The Role of the Governing Body is to support and challenge the school leadership to ensure that all our children make excellent progress and leave Charing School as confident and resilient learners ready for secondary school and ultimately life in modern Britain.

As Governors It is our role to set the strategic long term direction of the school, continue to raise standards through inspirational learning and ensure that our Christian values of love, friendship, hope, truth and kindness are at the heart of school life.

We also have to ensure that the budget is spent carefully securing best value for money, but also in a way that shows maximum impact on learning.

All the governors consider it a great privilege to be involved with Charing School and are committed to being active in our school improvement journey.

If you would like to contact me please contact the Clerk, Louise Barr:

David Milham
Chair of Governors

The Governors

Name Roles and responsibility
David Milham

Chair, Co-opted governor; Leadership and management, Finance, Attendance and Well-being

Steven Penny

Vice-Chair, Co-opted governor; Leadership and management, Finance, Attendance and Well-being

Sarah Siddiqui

Staff Governor; Behaviour and attitude and Attendance

Sandra Marsh

Co-opted governor; Safeguarding and Christian Distinctiveness

Charles Low Appointed governor; Personal Development and Christian Distinctiveness

Daniel Sutch

Appointed governor; Behaviour and attitudes and Pupil Premium
Ros Burgess Parent governor; Quality of Education, EYFS and SEN
Rob Norris Co-Opted governor; Training and Development and SEN
Tom Bird Head teacher
Ros Golden Assistant Head teacher
Louise Barr Clerk

The Governors

Steven Perry
Sarah Siddiqui
Staff Governor
Rev Sandra Marsh Co-opted governor
Ros Burgess Parent governor

Please find below the minutes of the Governor meetings.




17 May 2021

15 March 2021

25 January 2021


13 July 2020

5 October 2020

30 November 2020

9 June 2020

20 May 2020

26 March 2020

20 January 2020


23 September 2019

15 July 2019

20 May 2019

18 March 2019

21 January 2019


5 November 2018

24 September 2018

16th July 2018

21st May 2018

22nd January 2018