School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277


Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun


Badgers Class of 2024 – 2025!

Welcome to Badgers class, we are children in year 5! We are taught by Mrs Siddiqui, Mrs Young (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Thompson, Mrs Alexander (Thurs-Fri). On this class page you will find out some information about our learning and class expectations. Year 5 marks the beginning of UKS2, which means that children are nearing the end of their Primary school career! We will be learning about lots of exciting topics this year and there is so much to look forward to!

Remember it’s really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Our systems

PE: Our PE days are Monday and Friday, remember to wear your PE kit on these days.

Spelling: We are taught spellings every week, these will be tested every Wednesday. Remember to bring your spelling book into school on this day.

Reading: Children are expected to read most days at home for a good length of time to support their daily reading in school. It is impossible to overstate how incredibly important reading is. It builds vocabulary, embeds language and phrasing in our minds, helps our understanding of the world around us; it inspires us and moves us and helps us to grow. Plentiful and challenging reading makes an enormous difference to us in English lessons but also far beyond – even in our digital world, reading is still the key way that knowledge is passed on. 

Homework: Homework will be set every Friday and must be handed in by the following Wednesday. 

Wider Curriculum: Our learning is mainly taught discretely as we are scientists, historians, artists, geographers. We have chances not only to learn and create but to shape what we are taught through bringing our own interests into our school subjects.

Here is a brief outline of our wider learning.

Badgers Y5Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
GeographyRivers Rainforests South America – The Amazon 
History Ancient Greece World War Tudors
ScienceLiving Things and their habitats Forces Space Properties and Changes of Materials Properties and Changes of Materials Living Things and their HabitatsAnimals Including Humans