Worship during lockdown
Hello and welcome to our home worship page.
Below are links to pre-recorded worship sessions you can watch at home with your family and some activities that you could complete together.
Term 4: This term we are journeying through Lent towards Easter.
Week 2: This week we will be thinking about Fairtrade and the world we want to see, and how we can help to shape it. Life is tough for producers of coffee, bananas, cocoa and many, many more products that we buy and enjoy. They may have to choose between providing nutritious food for their families, getting medicines when they are ill, and paying for ways to protect their homes and farms from climate changes.
Below are links to pre-recorded worship sessions you can watch at home with your family and some activities that you could complete together.
Canterbury Diocese online worships https://www.canterburydiocese.org/childrenandyoungpeople/our-schools/collective-worship/online-collective-worship/
Faith at home
Home Worship 1:
What in your home is fairtrade? This means the farmers were paid a fair amount for their produce. Have a look at the food in your house and see if you can spot the fairtrade logo. Can you make something using a fairtrade ingredient?
Home Worship 2:
I wonder what your vision of the best world, planet and everything on it possible might look like?
The choices we make can affect the planet and the people who live on it in positive ways. Make a list of the positive choices that you and those around you have made for the planet this week.
Try this family quiz about the origins of cocoa:
Take a moment to reflect and pray:
Say Thank you for the positive choices you have made this week
Say Sorry for any negative choices you have made this week
Say Please for those who still need the world to change and be a better place
Week 1
Did you have pancakes during the half term holiday? Shrove Tuesday is the day before the Christian season of Lent begins and was the time when people would use up all the rich, sugary and fatty foods before Lent started. We will be thinking more about Lent in our worships this term.
Below are links to pre-recorded worship sessions you can watch at home with your family and some activities that you could complete together.
Canterbury Diocese online worships https://www.canterburydiocese.org/childrenandyoungpeople/our-schools/collective-worship/online-collective-worship/
Faith at Home episode 3.1: Racial injustice – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfwUWSYC5A0
Week 1: Lent re-visited – take up rather than give up
Home Worship 1:
I wonder what you think is the most important word in the first few sentences of the Bible? In the beginning God created the sky and the earth…. Darkness covered the ocean…… Then God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light. (Genesis 1:1-3)
Light is certainly important as the first thing that was needed in our world. Notice light around you: sit and watch the sunlight or a lightbulb or a candle (with an adult) and wonder about the difference that light makes to your life.
Home Worship 2:
The earth produced plants. Some plants had grain for seeds. The trees made fruit with seeds in it. Each seed grew its own kind of plant. God saw that all this was good. (Genesis 1:9-13)
Get in touch with nature: spend time outside noticing any plants and trees – go for a walk or get wet or dig the earth (or all of these) if you can. Save paper and trees: think of ways you could use less paper and make sure you recycle all that you can.
I wonder if you can draw a picture inspired by this Bible verse?
Home Worship 3:
God created the large sea animals. He created every living thing that moves in the sea. The sea is filled with these living things….. God also made every bird that flies… (Genesis 1:20-23)
I wonder how many different creatures of sea and sky you can list or draw?
Explore the wonders of the deep: watch a nature documentary and/or do some research about the life in our oceans – thank God for your amazing discoveries.
Using less plastic: try and do this so that there will be less plastic damaging sea creatures
Look at the birds of the air: watch and listen for birds – there are many fewer than there were just a few decades ago. Perhaps you can put out food for the birds.
Songs that you light like this week:
From the tiny ant – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sUPK7LqAj8
He’s got the whole world – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck6cCyvo5vo
Creator God
Thank you for making this amazing world. Thank you for making it so beautiful. Thank you for loving every person you have made in the whole world. Please help us to look after the world. Please help us to look after each other. Please stop climate change hurting people and all your creatures. Please help us not to be greedy, and to trust you to give us enough. Please help us to share what you have given us. AMEN
Please also see the links below with other resources for home worship
- 2 books written to help children worship at home
- A selection of worship songs from BBC radio
- Assemblies linked to a variety of subjects by some famous faces
- BBC Primary School assemblies