Children who are away from school can carry on with their learning.
We will add work to this page be uploaded daily at the moment and will also include links to websites that the children can access from home.
Log in information will be emailed out to parents from parent mail in due course for particular websites that we use.
Please also make sure the children continue to read regularly along with other skills such as writing and number bonds.
In these uncertain times, please encourage your child to do as much as possible, obviously depending on their health.
Please complete the survey before the school closure:
Completed work can be sent to the school office ( or if it is not able to be completed electronically it can be brought in on the first day the school reopens.
20 March 2020
19 March 2020
18 March 2020
17 March 2020
Other Websites – log in details will be sent out shortly – currently have many free resources
Charanga Music –
Les Mills –