School Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent. TN27 0JN
01233 712277

Week Commencing 20 April 2020

Living and Learning with Faith, Friendship and Fun


24 April 2020

Rabbits Class Home Learning 10

22 April 2020

Rabbits Class Home Learning 9
Writing Words

20 April 2020

Rabbits Class Home Learning 8


24 April 2020

Lighthouse template
Topic Lighthouse Powerpoint
RE 24.4.20
Mrs Siddiqui RWI Spellings 24.4.20
Mrs Golden RWI Spellings 24.4.20

22 April 2020

Squirrels Art 22.04.20
Squirrels English 22.04.20
Squirrels Maths 22.04.20

20 April 2020

Squirrels Maths 20.04.20
Squirrels Science 20.04.20
Squirrels English 20.04.20


24 April 2020

ICT 24.04.2020
Religious Education 24.04.2020
Science 24.04.2020

22 April 2020

Art 22.04.2020
English Letter 22.04.2020
Year 3 Maths 22.04.2020
Year 4 Maths 22.04.2020

20 April 2020

English Reading Comprehension 20.04.2020
Maths Fractions Addition 20.04.2020
Topic 20.04.2020
Mrs Hodson’s Spelling
Mrs Thompson’s Spelling Group
Mr Bird’s Spelling Group
Miss MacMillan Week-2 Spring-1
Mrs Young Week-2 Spring-1
Life Skills bread (optional)


24 April 2020

Science 24.04.2020
Religious Education 24.04.2020
Topic 20.4
Earth and Space Badgers

22 April 2020

Art 22.4.20
Comprehension 22.4.20
English 22.04.20

Writing – I’d like you to write your beginning to your story. Make sure you include fronted adverbials, long sentences and short sentences for effect and try to use at least one : and ;. 
For maths For Maths , I’d like you to go to and do Summer term week 1, lessons 3 and 4please. 

20 April 2020

Hi Badgers, I hope you’ve had a good rest. Now time to get back to do some work. Please try and do as much as you can and email it to Mr Bird.

For Maths , I’d like you to go to and do Summer term week 1, lessons 1 and 2 please. 

For SPAG I’d like you to do the adverbs sheet: Adverbs 20.04.20

For reading I’d like you to pick a text, it can be a chapter of a book, a newspaper article, what ever you wish. Then write 10 questions you’d get someone to answer. When you email the questions to Mr Bird please put what on your questions where you are getting it from so maybe send the website link or the book and the chapter. You can put the answer on there too if you want. Make one of the questions a long answer.

For writing, I’d like you to start planning a story and it can be whatever you wish it to be. Please plan the BME and then send the plan to Mr Bird. 
RE 20.4.20
Mrs Hodson’s Spelling
Mrs Thompson’s Spelling Group
Mr Bird’s Spelling Group
Mrs Young Week-2 Spring-1
Miss MacMillan Week-2 Spring-1
Life Skills bread (optional)


24 April 2020

English 24.04
History ICT 24.4
Maths 24.4
Science 24.4

22 April 2020

Comprehension 22.4

20 April 2020

Maths 20.4.20
RE 20.4.20
Comprehension 20.4.20
Mrs Thompson’s Spelling Group
Mr Bird’s Spelling Group
Miss MacMillan Week-2 Spring-1
Mrs-Young Week-2 Spring-1
Life Skills bread (optional)