Hello, welcome to term 3. Here is today’s work. Please send photos of any completed work to hhorsford@charing.kent.sch.uk so we can give out Dojos as we would in class.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you all!
Mrs H and Mrs H
When Hitler Stole the Pink Rabbit
5 March 2021
Well done everyone! You’ve been fantastic online learners! I am super proud of you all. I can’t wait to see you in school on Monday. If you have any work you are particularly proud of then please do bring it in to share with us all. Remember on Monday you shouldn’t bring in anything other than a coat, snack and lunch if you aren’t having a school dinner. This is to limit the spread of the virus.
Please complete the attached and then spend an hour outside. Can you spot any birds? Find any mini beasts? Make up your own pentathlon? Race your siblings or grown ups. There are two different maths mysteries, choose the one you feel most confident with and don’t forget the spellings on Purple Mash.
Have a great weekend everyone.
4 March 2021
Hello Everyone,
It’s world book day today so the learning is a little different to usual. You will be an author for the day! There is a story generator attached if you need inspiration! Bring your book in to school on Monday and we can all read your work. Let those fantastic imaginations run wild! Make sure you spend plenty of time today reading. Send in photos of you reading your favourite book for us to make a montage!
Here I am curled up by the fire reading my favourite book; Anne of Green Gables. I have loved this book since I was 9 years old. The main character, Anne, is a spirited orphan who is adopted by an elderly brother and sister to help them run their farm. Anne was supposed to be a boy! I love this book because the main character is adorable: she’s brave, adventurous and daring as well as being imaginative, intelligent and kind. The book tells of her adventures growing up and the scrapes she gets herself in to. I can’t recommend this book enough!
Mrs H
I really enjoy Roald Dahl stories. They are full of adventure and you can get lost in his world of imagination and wonder. They are great fun, have exciting vocabulary and are beautifully written!
Mrs Hodson
We can’t wait to hear about your favourite books! Have a lovely day!
3 March 2021
Today we have an extended piece of writing. I’d like you to brainstorm everything you already know about Anna from the story so far, then order your thoughts so you are ready to write your first draft. You can write it in the attached template or create your own. Tomorrow you can read through your work, edit it then write up your profile in best. Anything that you’re proud of bring in to school and it can go on the board. I’ve also attached a comprehension that is linked to our topic. There are three levels so choose the one you feel confident to answer.
In maths it is the arithmetic test. As ever choose the correct year group for you!
Have a lovely Wednesday everyone.
2 March 2021
Hello everyone,
Today you have another chapter to read and/or listen to and answer questions on. It is worth reading the questions first, then listening and pausing when you think you’ve found an answer. We are flying through this book!
In maths we are revising our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1,000, but begin the lesson by filling out your times table square.
In topic you are designing your own WWII propaganda poster. You can do this by hand or on the computer or a mixture of both.
Have a lovely day.
1 March 2021
Hello everyone,Welcome to our last week of home learning. Teams lessons will continue until Wednesday morning, from then work will be set on the website and on Teams but there will be no live lessons.
Today we are revising number and place value in maths, continuing our work on When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and looking into noun phrases in English. In PE we will continue our work on athletics skills, this week it’s sprinting and hurdles!
Have a lovely Monday.
26 February 2021
Happy Friday!Well done to you all on another fantastic week of home learning. You’ve all done really well! One more week and we can all be in school – I can’t wait!
Today we have more work on fractions, a creative writing opportunity, we’re beginning our new RE topic and you’ve more jumping to do! And remember – PE with Joe is great on a Friday, he always wears fantastic outfits: perhaps see if you can join in with him too?
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
25 February 2021
Today is my favourite day! Science day! We begin our new topic of forces by investigating gravity. I can’t wait to see pictures of your experiments! Or join in with us all at 10.10 to see how all of us on teams get on.
In maths we are continuing to deepen our knowledge of fractions and in English we are continuing with ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabit’ and our work on verbs in preparation to write a short piece of creative writing on Friday.
Have a lovely day everyone.
24 February 2021
Happy Wednesday! How did you all enjoy finding out about World War II? Make sure you send me what you’d like to learn about so I can make sure we cover as much as possible in our lessons.
Today you have another chapter of When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit to listen to and/or read then answer the questions. Then there is some work on prefixes for you to complete and don’t forget the ‘cious’ spellings on PurpleMash. Maths is more work on adding fractions and to relax and enjoy some time away from the screen you have some art and music.
Have fun!
23 February 2021
I was in school yesterday and it was lovely to see lots of familiar faces and to be back in the building. We didn’t quite manage to fit in the jumping sadly so I had to have a go when I got home! I’m going to try again today as I’m sure I will have improved with practise! How did you all get on. Bonus Dojos to Fin for his amazing jumping that he caught on camera!
Today I’d like you to have a go at an arithmetic paper, but do your times table grid to warm up that maths brain first. Listen and/or read Chapter 2 of When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and answer the questions. Then move on to investigate personification in our grammar section, more about verbs! The spellings are now up for you to try on PurpleMash.
The topic is all self explanatory if you go through the PowerPoint, but you may need to look up which countries were under Axis Control etc if you don’t come to the lesson. You don’t need to print the presentation, just the word document. That has the table and the map for you.
22 February 2021
Hello Everyone and welcome to term 4! I hope you all had a wonderful half term. We certainly enjoyed the break; we even had a dip in the sea! Almost like summer!
Our topic is World War II so to complement this we will be reading ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit’ by Judith Kerr who also wrote the Mog books and ‘When the Tiger came to Tea’. It is based on her life growing up during the war. Today’s home learning comprises of a comprehension, you can just listen to the story or read along with me (the text is also uploaded) then answer the questions. After this there is a lesson on verbs.
In maths we will be continuing our fractions learning. Then you can finish your afternoon with PE.
Have you all seen the new pictures of Mars?
The Boy at the Back of the Class
12 February 2021
Firstly I’d like to say a huge well done to everyone. A whole term of home learning has been and gone! It’s been great to see so many of you on Teams and to hear from you all. I hope you’re enjoying the Boy at the Back of the Class. I’ll continue to read this after half term.
Today you have a maths paper to complete (choose the year group you feel most confident to complete), warm up with your times table grid first. Please finish your booklet about your famous person; the ones I’ve seen in progress are looking amazing! I’m very impressed. There’s a reading and comprehension attached.
The lessons on Teams today are RE with Mrs Hammond at 10.10 and then class time at 1.15pm where I’m sure there’s lots of fun activities planned. Enjoy those and have a lovely, well deserved half term.
I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 22nd February.
11 February 2021
Hello everyone,
I was wrong! Hurrah! There’s even more snow! What a wonderful winter!
There is nothing attached for English today as I am expecting you to continue working on your fact file. By the end of today you should have a polished two sections for page 2 (Early Life) and page 3 (Career) this can spill over to page 4 if you’d like. You should also begin work on pages 5 and 6 which should include why you have chosen the person, why do they inspire you? Finally, you should write a page telling people why they should welcome refugees and mention ways that you feel they should be welcomed and items you think would be useful.
Maths is more fractions and science is all about food chains. Read through the pdf called Thursday Science then have a go at either making the pyramid or flap book.
Enjoy the snow everyone!
10 February 2021
I hope you had a great time in all the snow! We managed another snowman yesterday, but I think that might be it for a while.
Attached is your work for the day. I hope you’re all enjoying listening to the story, if any of you would like to read a chapter and have it put up on the website then please do email me. Might make a change from you all listening to me all the time!
The work I’ve seen on the refugee fact files are looking super! Great work everyone. In maths we are continuing working on fractions. The PE is a live lesson today at 2pm if you aren’t joining Teams you might fancy practising your fielding?
Have a great day.
9 February 2021
Hello everyone,
How is the PE challenge going? Have another go today to see if you can get faster or complete more challenges.
Attached is the work for today. The maths is more fractions and an escape room to challenge your maths and your lateral thinking! We all managed to escape – can you?
Our English and Topic are linked so today we will concentrate on our fact file. We will make the actual book and begin the first two pages.
We will discuss fractions again in Teams at 10.10 and Topic/English at 2.15.
I hope you all enjoyed the snow! We all had a lovely long play yesterday afternoon and we’re hoping for more! Fingers crossed!
8 February 2021
Happy Monday to you all! I hope you all had fun in the snow. We didn’t get as much as you lucky people in Charing, but we made the most of it and build a little army of mini snowmen! I think there will be more today and maybe tomorrow, I hoping to have enough to go tobogganing.
Anyway, attached is today’s work. We will be going through the English on Teams at 10.10 and the Maths at 2.15pm. If you can’t join us then have a read through the maths PowerPoint after finishing your times table square. Enjoy the PE challenges, try to get your whole family involved – who will be the house champion?
5 February 2021
Well done everyone! Another successful week of home learning and only one more week of term!
Remember to join us on Teams at 12.45 for our science experiment. You will need: a cracker or two, 1/4 cup of orange juice, 1/4 cup of water, a large bite of banana, a paper cup, a plastic cup or funnel, a sealable plastic bag, a baking tray or wide bowl and one leg of a pair of tights.
Please have a bash at the spelling test on PurpleMash.
Attached is some art and music work, I really hope you enjoy looking at the different artworks and listening to the compositions. Let me know what you think of them all and do send in any of your own work, I’d love to find out what inspires you.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. We are planning a lovely long walk with the woofers to the sea and back again. I think we’ll take a few flasks of creamy hot chocolate. Yum!
4 February 2021
The Journey’s Through the Digestive System pieces are just super! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all the work you’ve handed in. If you’ve not finished, today is the day and then there’s an English comprehension that focuses on our topic of Refugees. Remember to have a go at those tricky spellings!
Great work everyone.
3 February 2021
How did you all do at racing Mo Farah? Did anyone come close?
Today you need to continue with your food journey through the digestive system for English. I have attached an example so you know what is expected. Remember to include the scientific vocabulary and some ambitious descriptions! For SPaG complete the word search with the spelling words in, but make sure you know what they all mean!
Maths is fractions, we will be going through this in the Teams lesson at 10.10am and I’d love to see you all there.
I’ve included a heads up about science on Friday – you’ll need a few bits and bobs if you want to have a go at the experiment too! It’s been too long since we all got messy in science!
Have a great Wednesday!
2 February 2021
Happy Tuesday everyone.
Today for writing can you please polish your paragraph about your food being squashed and squelched in the mouth as it is being mixed with saliva and dissolved with enzymes. Then move on to draft the paragraph about whizzing down the oesophagus!
For SPaG please put each of your spelling words in to a silly sentence!
Maths is attached: I thought we could revise our Roman numerals.
Good luck trying to beat Mo Farah’s time in PE today. I timed my run yesterday after our Joe Wicks style class time and I managed 2.74km in 13 minutes.
In Topic we are looking at a refugee’s story, we will discuss more about this in our Teams lesson at 2.15.
We had a vote in our Teams lesson and it was a tie, so we flipped a coin to choose a text. The winning book is The Boy at the Back of the Class which does tie in nicely with our refugee project. I will try to read a chapter a day that you could watch or just listen to for a few moments. It really is a lovely book, filled with adventure and great stories of friendship. I hope you enjoy it!
1 February 2021
Hello! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We continued celebrating my youngest son’s 7th birthday by eating yet more cake! Yum!
All the work today is self explanatory. For maths, start with the times table squares and complete as much as you can in 5 minutes, then move on to the arithmetic test that you feel confident with and complete as much as possible in 30 minutes.
29 January 2021
28 January 2021
Hello.All the work for today is attached. Please continue to work on your character description of the mother from the book The Journey. By the end of today you should have written all three sections, ready to edit tomorrow.
For maths please read the PowerPoint first to ensure you understand what you are doing and how to work out equivalent fractions. I have also attached a fractions wall to help you visualise how fractions work.
27 January 2021
Good morning. Today for writing I’d like you to add more detail and polish your character description of the mother from The Journey. Please do email them to me, I’d love to read them.
For maths read the PowerPoint first, then have a go at the questions. If you are very confident in your knowledge of fractions then spend the time solving the Dicey Problem at the bottom.
Have a lovely day.
Mrs H
26 January 2021
Hello! Today I would like you to carry on with your character description of the mother in The Journey. I have attached a mind map with lots of the ideas we discussed online yesterday. Today you will need to begin to plan your description. Which characteristics can you group together and explain with clear evidence. Which order makes the most sense? Order your observations in each paragraph as bullet points including your evidence explaining how you know what the mother is like. Tomorrow, we will be writing this up in detail. Remember to vary your sentence openers and choose your words carefully.
For maths; spend 5 minutes on a times table grid then choose the paper you are happiest with and complete as much as you can in 30 minutes.
I have included the slides we will discuss in Topic at 2.15 this afternoon. There are questions to answer on the last slide but you might want to talk about these with a grown up.
Well done everyone, keep up the good work!
25 January 2021
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Attached is work for the week. The class time is something a member of our class is going to share during our Teams session today as an activity they have found fun to do over lockdown, another class member is going to show us a fun drawing. It’d be great to see you all there.
22 January 2021
Well done Badgers for another fantastic week of home learning!
Attached is a PowerPoint and worksheet for RE? Have a think about the questions on the PowerPoint and once you have read or watched the story draw a picture representing Moses on to the Big Frieze.
Maths is self explanatory.
Today should be the final draft of your letter! I can’t wait to read them so do email them in to hhorsford@charing.kent.sch.uk
Have a lovely weekend.
21 January 2021
Can you please at least write and edit the first section of your letter and complete your second section. We will cover this in our morning Teams session at 10.10am.
The maths and SPaG are self explanatory and we will be talking about the maths at 2pm.
20 January 2021
Hello! Attached is the science work we are starting with today. Please read the presentation then complete the work sheets.
For English please continue to work on your letter. You should have finished your plan yesterday so today should be a good writing session. Remember to set out your letter with the address in the top left hand corner with the date underneath. Ensure you include a salutation (Dear Kate) and that you write to include lots of detail. Remember you are writing for the reader. Please continue to work on your spellings.
19 January 2021
Attached is today’s learning. I’ve included a powerpoint about refugees for our Topic. There are questions at the end for you to have a go at answering.
The English is a long piece of writing for you to complete over the course of the week. Please email me your completed letters and any other work you finish. I’d love to see what you’ve been doing.
18 January 2021
Hello! Welcome to week 3 of home learning. Today there will be classes over Teams at 10.10, during which time we will focus on our English task for the day and there will be class time at 1.15 where we will have a show and tell and do a little PE challenge of the day. I hope to see you all there.
The Parent Workbooks from White Rose Maths are now available for Kindles for free.https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3AWhite+Rose+Maths&s=date-desc-rank&qid=1593690016&text=White+Rose+Maths&ref=sr_st_date-desc-rank
Alternatively, they can also be downloaded from the link below:
15 January 2021
Well done Badgers for completing your second week of home learning! It has been wonderful to hear from so many of you. I’m looking in to creating a class notebook where we can share some of your excellent work so please let me know if you are not happy for your work to ‘go on the wall’ so to speak!
Have a lovely weekend and I’m looking forward to a fun filled week next week.
Best wishes, Mrs H
14 January 2021
Hello! Happy Thursday everyone.
Today we have some long multiplication to try, I have attached some square paper for you to help you keep your calculations accurate. We will be going through this on our first Teams call at 10.10 if you want clarification on anything.
We have another call at 12.45 where we will have a look at our diary entries and do a few team building activities! I have attached an updated mind map that has an example entry written at the end. If you’re stuck for ideas then feel free to magpie some!
Looking forward to seeing you all later.
13 January 2021
12 January 2021
Please see all the above links that you need for your home learning today. Remember we have a live Teams session at 10.10am every morning this week where you can ask any questions. Hope to see you all soon.
11 January 2021
Hello Badgers and welcome back for another week of home learning.
I will be online, using Teams, every day at 10.10 for an hour and on Thursdays and Fridays I will also be online at 12.45 for an hour. I’m really looking forward to seeing you all.
The spellings for the week are on Purple Mash and the quiz has been set as a ToDo for you to complete when you feel you’ve learnt the spellings. A big well done to those of you who completed the test for last week. You did brilliantly!
Today I’ve attached the Arithmetic Tests and a blank times table square for you to fill in. These tests are longer than we have been doing so please let me know how you get on. Do not spend longer than 30 minutes on the test. Remember to use your exam technique of looking through and answering the questions you can answer quickly first, then move on to the trickier ones. Put a line through the questions with fractions as we will cover these later on in the term. But, by all means have a go at them if you feel confident and have time. The answers are at the bottom of the pages so no peeking!
Keep up the great work Badgers!
8 January 2021
For your SPaG today I’d like you to have a look at the spellings for the week and then take the quiz set in the ‘to do’ section on Purple Mash.
Well done everyone for trying out the Teams lessons. I think we will all be experts by the end of next week. It has been just brilliant to see so many of you and to see the work you have been completing at home. I’m very impressed with you all! Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
7 January 2021
6 January 2021
5 January 2021
4 January 2021
Please continue to read with your children. Our class text this term is Cosmic by Frank Cotrell-Boyce so if any children could have an early Christmas present that would be useful. This week we’re imagining what we would do if we were a grown up for the day using future tense.
In Topic we are researching animals to create a fact file to inform others about all the interesting animal astronauts that have helped us find out more about space.
We hope you stay well and look forward to seeing you all soon.